Autumn Lake Healthcare at Cromwell

385 Main St
Cromwell, CT - 06416
Phone Number: 860-635-5613

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Do they accept Medicaid as payment?

Do they accept Medicaid as payment?

Do they accept sliding fee scale payment?

Do they accept sliding fee scale payment?

How much does it cost to live here?

How much does it cost to live here?


2018-08-05 17:18:56

Your senior living sound good , but my age is 63 . Do I qualify .Plus I am on Medicaid . How often do people move out ? Please mail me info about Aurora in Cromwell . My address is Joanne Aloisi 44 High St Portland , Ct. 06480 . Thank you

2018-08-06 12:32:02

Please answer me . What is the email address for Aurora senior living in Cromwell ? I am on Medicaid, Medicare and Huskey ( do not know what program ) ? My SS is $850.00 , how much will it cost a month ? I am 63 , dose that qualify for senior living ?

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