Glenview Health Care Facility

1002 Glenview Dr.
Glasgow, KY - 42141
Phone Number: 270-651-8332

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Do they accept Medicaid as payment?

Do they accept Medicaid as payment?

Do they accept sliding fee scale payment?

Do they accept sliding fee scale payment?

How much does it cost to live here?

How much does it cost to live here?


2019-03-11 12:53:35

So this us like a nursing home? My brother is 56 and slow in his thinking has diabetes and has had heart stent. He's in a caregivers home in boiling green but wants to come home to glasgow. He draws check each month that pays her. But I'm looking for snall group home were he can have some room to himself but have help if he needs it. She has helped him lose weight on a healthy diet and he's able to make some of his own I salon now. So a healthy diet would be good. Can I get details and price range? Thanks

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