Progress Ranch has 6 boys from the ages 6-14 that live at the Loyola Home.
These boys are referred to us from local counties, for support with meeting academic and treatment goals towards graduation to a least restrictive setting like a foster home or home with a family member.
Academically many of these boys are three to four years behind in achievement.
The primary goal of Progress Ranch's program is to resolve the problems of the emotionally disturbed child by placing him in a consistent, therapeutic, nurturing environment where he can learn to resolve his underlying emotional conflicts.
Then the child can develop a pattern of appropriate responses and thinking patterns which will ready him for placement into a less restrictive setting.
Appropriate clients for their program have been males who have chronic neglect and poverty, dysfunctional families, multiple foster home and academic failures.
These may include oppositional-defiance, dysthymic and ADHD disorders.
Clients with limited intelligence, chronic AWOL or fire-setting, psychoses, non-ambulatory or chronic health needs are not admitted.
Their home is located in a residential community, to ensure there is an emphasis on normalization for the youngster who is prepared and ready for this process.
Initially limit setting and control are provided by a very structured, house rules system based on logical and natural consequences.
This system develops trustworthiness, responsibility and accountability and provides the basis for independent self -care skills.
A behavior modification program encourages positive behaviors by acknowledging participation in their daily activities and responsibilities.
The basic philosophy of the program is to provide for each boy the warmth, acceptance, understanding, professional counseling and treatment which will help him to develop along the road to independence.
They strive to ensure our boys are involved in our local community.
Their boys will take part in local church, sports, and art events. Local community service groups and individuals have become special friends and mentors to our boys.
All of their boys are monitored and seen by a psychiatrist and they all received individual along with group therapy.
They have recently started working with a local psychologist to develop a treatment model based on developmental attachment and trauma informed care.
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